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  Language is a resource with which human beings structure and organise their experience. So constantly is language in use in the complex behavioural patterns in which people engage in the course of conducting their daily affairs that its true significance is frequently ignored.

daily affairs 「日常業務、毎日の営み」
behavioural pattern 「行動様式」
in the course of 〜 = during 「〜のうちに、〜の間に」
engage in 〜 「〜に従事する、〜に携わる」
conduct 「〜を行う」
significance 「意義」
frequently  「頻繁に、しばしば」
ignore  「〜を無視する」

So constantly is language in use in the complex behavioural patterns in which people engage in the course of conducting their daily affairs that its true significance is frequently ignored.

Language is so constantly in use in the complex behavioural patterns in which people engage in the course of conducting their daily affairs that 〜.

so 〜 that … 「非常に〜なので…」の倒置が読み取れるかがカギ。

また、the complex behavioural patterns in which people engage in the course of は、

people engage in the complex behavioural patterns in the course of


[ 日本語訳 ]

