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   But how complete is our picture of the lives of ancient people? Imagine archaeologists a thousand years in the future uncovering the following articles from the present time: a wristwatch, a videocassette, a plastic cup from a fast-food restaurant, a skateboard, and a toothbrush. (1) What conclusions do you think future scientists could make about our lives in the present day? Any conclusions would be based only on the objects found. (2) With so few objects to study, they could not develop a very clear picture of what present-day life is like. For the same reason, modern scientists have generally not been able to get a complete picture of daily life in ancient times.

complete「完全な」   picture「イメージ、理解」   ancient「古代の、大昔の」   archaeologist「考古学者」   uncover「〜を発見する、〜を発掘する」   following「次の、次に述べる」   article「品物、物」   make a conclusion「結論を下す」   be based on「〜に基づく、〜に基づいている」   object「物、物体」   

Imagine archaeologists a thousand years in the future uncovering the following articles from the present time

imagine O 〜ing 「Oが〜するのを想像する、Oが〜しているところを想像する」


What conclusions do you think future scientists could make about our lives in the present day?

疑問詞 + do you think + SV 〜? 
make a conclusion「結論を下す」


With so few objects to study, they could not develop a very clear picture of what present-day life is like.

with の基本の意味は「〜をもって」ですが、ここでは文脈から「〜ので」と状況的理由を表しています。
objects to study 「研究すべき物、研究する物、詳しく調べる物」
what S is like 「Sがどのようなものか」



