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   A Western-style conversation between two people is like a game of tennis. If I introduce a topic, a conversational ball, I expect you to hit it back. If you agree with me, I don't expect you simply to agree and do nothing more. I expect you to add something ― a reason for agreeing, another example, or an elaboration to carry the idea further. However, I don't expect you always to agree. I am just as happy if you question me, challenge me, or completely disagree with me. Whether you agree or disagree, your response will return the ball to me.

conversation「会話」   introduce「〜を持ち出す、〜を導入する」   expect O to do「Oが〜することを期待する」   elaboration「詳術、詳細」   further「さらに進んで、それ以上に」   question「〜を疑う、〜に異議を唱える」   challenge「〜を疑う、〜に異議を唱える」   

If I introduce a topic, a conversational ball, I expect you to hit it back.

a top と a conversational ball が同格
expect O to do「Oが〜することを期待する」 


If you agree with me, I don't expect you simply to agree and do nothing more.

if = even if 「たとえ〜だとしても」


I expect you to add something ― a reason for agreeing, another example, or an elaboration to carry the idea further.

to carry the idea further は、前に elaboration を修飾


I am just as happy if you question me, challenge me, or completely disagree with me.

if = even if 「たとえ〜だとしても」
just as happy = just as happy as I am (happy) when you agree with me


Whether you agree or disagree, your response will return the ball to me.

whether A or B 「AであろうがBであろうが」



