同格 info


  Nature is strong and healthy in the sense that it can recover quickly from fire, disease and other calamities. But what fills the space is often different from what went before. In that sense, the continuity of nature is a romantic illusion and its gentle harmony a myth. A closer look at that idyl...
  The discovery of Australia has a background as romantic as that of any other part of the southern Pacific seas. Related as so much of it is with the voyages of the great explorer, Captain James Cook, it never fails to stir up inspirting thoughts in the people of Australia. 単語・熟語 discovery「発見」   ba...
  Culture shock will hit you in two areas: the physical and the social. First, familiar signs and familiar shapes will not be there. Secondly, the behavior of the people in Japan will be obviously different. Both cause a certain amount of stress.   It is not just the fact that the people around you ...
   There have been other milestones. Tho police officers of my youth always seemed big, even huge, and of course they were older than I was. Then one day (1) they were suddenly neither. In fact, some were kids ― short kids at that. The day came when I suddenly realized that all the football players ...
  What comes out of spending a day with a TV or a computer or a video screen is loneliness. Conversely, literary reading is an entry into a dialogue; a book can be a friend, talking not at you, but to you. That the rates of depression should be going up as the rates of reading are going down is no c...
  The third discipline is the one most people mean when they speak of disipline ― the Discipline of Superior Force, of sergeant to private, of "you do what I tell you or I'll make you wish you had." There is bound to be some of this in a child's life. Living as we do sorrounded by things that can hu...
  When strangers meet they often have to decide where to sit or stand in relation to each other. This is not something that they need to discuss, nor is it something they need to consider consciously ― they don't, for example, have to ask themselves whether they should try to be friendly and stand c...
   However, if you are to grew, you need to recognize these feelings, and, as much as you are able, put them on a shelf for a bit. Only that effort will enable you to listen carefully when others offer arguments that threaten or violate your current beliefs. This openness is important becasue many o...
   Looking back, the decision to buy a bike seems like a silly thing to feel self-conscious about, and yet it's symbolic of the kind of fear and self-doubt that can keep us from enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Too often we hold ourselves back from the things we'd really like to try, out of a ...
   Suddenly, almost everyone in England has a mobile phone, but because this is new, unfamiliar technology, there are no set rules of etiquette governing when, how, and in what manner these phones should be used. We have to make up these reles as we go along ― a fascinating process to watch and , fo...
  In addition, it is the function of a dream to express a wish, but since the wishes of the unconscious are often highly instinctive in nature, they would be as disturbing to most modern persons as would the acts of a caveman in present-day society. Therefore, most dreams are disguised enough to con...
   Two interesting books that have different points of view about animals were published this summer. (1) The author of one takes the position that every animal is an individual who should no more be subject to ownership than should one human by another. The author of the second would disagree. He l...
  Air France's bold decision to do what was once unthinkable, to make its pilots speak English to the control towers, lasted a mere 15 days.   The airline had the idea that linguistic pride should be put aside for safety considerations.   Rather than having bilingual airwaves that frequently confuse...
  Among large land animals, there's one species that eats the others for breakfast, and you know which it is. The rise of human beings to the top of the food chain was so astonishingly swift and decisive that it's natural to view the evolution of intelligent mammals ― us, in other word ― as predesti...
  (1) In spite of advertisements having created a belief that computers are educational, and therefore desirable, Healy advises keeping children away from computers until they are seven; other experts push (2) that number up as far as ten or eleven. 単語・熟語 in spite of 〜「〜にもかかわらず」   advertisement「広告」 ...
   A Western-style conversation between two people is like a game of tennis. If I introduce a topic, a conversational ball, I expect you to hit it back. If you agree with me, I don't expect you simply to agree and do nothing more. I expect you to add something ― a reason for agreeing, another exampl...
