比較 info


  The same tendency to move in different directions is probably also occurring in the case of grammer. It seems that one or two further differences are beginning to emerge, which suggests that American and British English are slowly moving apart grammatically.   On the other hand, American and Briti...
   (1) A nation is a community and as such is to some extent exclusive. Its members share a sense of common identity and have special moral duties to each other. The national community also has moral duties to outsiders, although these are more limited than towards its own members. Not everyone in t...
  The discovery of Australia has a background as romantic as that of any other part of the southern Pacific seas. Related as so much of it is with the voyages of the great explorer, Captain James Cook, it never fails to stir up inspirting thoughts in the people of Australia. 単語・熟語 discovery「発見」   ba...
   There have been other milestones. Tho police officers of my youth always seemed big, even huge, and of course they were older than I was. Then one day (1) they were suddenly neither. In fact, some were kids ― short kids at that. The day came when I suddenly realized that all the football players ...
  Success at university depends as much on how effectively you can communicate as on what you know. Developing your ability to put idea across effectively, whether orally or on paper, is crucial. A powerful case can lose almost all impact if it is put across badly. 単語・熟語 depend on「〜に依存する、〜に左右される」  e...
   Whether changes put the language system into disorder or repair it, the most important point is this: (1) it is natural for language to change, and this is not unique to humans. In fact, there are some surprising parallels (2) between humans and humpback whales. Recent research on the language of...
  In a general way, audiences in smaller cities do not give him as much applause as do those in larger places and he believes the reason is that smaller cities are more likely to have (1) an unacknowleded inferiority sense. Nobody in the audience would admit even to himself that his own town isn't j...
  Americans today choose among more options in more parts of life than has ever been possible before. To an extent, the opportunity to choose enhances our lives. It is only logical to think that if some choice is good, more is better; people who care about having infinite options will benefit from t...
  In addition, it is the function of a dream to express a wish, but since the wishes of the unconscious are often highly instinctive in nature, they would be as disturbing to most modern persons as would the acts of a caveman in present-day society. Therefore, most dreams are disguised enough to con...
  For a variety of social and historical reasons, sport occupies a different place in American culture than it does in Europe. In the United States sport is the essence of that competitive spirit that is the basis of a free-market culture and it portrays vividly the people's attitude to success that...
   Two interesting books that have different points of view about animals were published this summer. (1) The author of one takes the position that every animal is an individual who should no more be subject to ownership than should one human by another. The author of the second would disagree. He l...
   Your reaction to other people, however, are really just barometers for how you perceive yourself. Your reactions to others say more about you than they do about others. You cannot really love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself. 単語 r...
   The historic idea of a national identity that can unify all Americans is now being discussed in many areas in our politics, our voluntary organizations, our churches, our language. And in no area is the rejection of a shared national identity more crucial than in our system of education. 単語 histo...
   A Western-style conversation between two people is like a game of tennis. If I introduce a topic, a conversational ball, I expect you to hit it back. If you agree with me, I don't expect you simply to agree and do nothing more. I expect you to add something ― a reason for agreeing, another exampl...
