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  Many scientists before Smith had recognized that fossils from a lower succession of rock layers, or strata, were often different from the fossils found in younger, overlying strata. But prior to Smith no one had recognized that the succession of fossils in strata was often the same from region to region. Here was the stroke of genius: it was not any individual fossil that determined age, but the characteristic succession of many fossils, and the fact that the same groups of fossils occur in the same sequence, no matter where they are found in a given region. This allowed Smith to correlate strata in rocks that were some distance apart, and not obviously related.

recognize「〜を識別する、〜を認める」  succession「連続するもの、地層群」  layer「層」  fossil「化石」  strata 「stratum(一枚の地層)の複数形」  overlie「〜の上に重なる」  prior to A「Aより前に」  region「地域」  stroke「一撃、到来」 individual「個々の」 determine「〜を決定する」 characteristic「特徴的な」 occur「起こる」 sequence「連続、連続物、配列」 correlate「〜を(相互に)関連づける」 distance「距離」 apart「離れた」 obviously「明らかに」 related「関係のある」

a lower succession of rock layers, or strata,
この or

younger, overlying strata
のように、形容詞が連続する場合には、コンマ ( , ) だけでつなげることが多い。
younger strata, overlying strata というように2つの形容詞が共にstrata「地層」に掛かっている。

強調構文(分裂文)[ It is 〜 that … ] + not A but B
「…なのは〜である」+「AではなくB」 =「…なのはAではなくB
it was not any individual fossil that determined age, but the characteristic succession of many fossils, and the fact that the same groups of fossils occur in the same sequence, no matter where they are found in a given region.

but 以下の but the characteristic succession of many fossils, and the fact that the same groups of fossils occur in the same sequence, no matter where they are found in a given region が最も言いたい部分。


the fact that the same groups of fossils occur in the same sequence は、the fact と that 〜 が同格であり、「〜という事実」という意味。

no matter where they are found in a given region
no matter where 〜は、「どこに〜であろうが」という譲歩の意味を表す。

入試では they の内容を明らかにしてこの部分を和訳する問題が出た。
they = the same groups of fossils なので

This allowed Smith to correlate strata in rocks that were some distance apart, and not obviously related.
S allow O to do
 → 「Sによって(Sのおかげで)、Oは〜することができる

that 以下は、
that were some distance apart
   were not obviously related
であり、共に rocks を修飾している。

