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  At 5:30 the sun has not yet risen. Trees and bushes are shadows, mist lies on the fields and the grass is wet underfoot. All around me, though, is an extraordinary web of sound, up and down the scales. Some of it must be coming from near me, the sweet, high notes almost at arm's reach; some comes from far off and I must strain to hear it. As the light grows stronger, I make out shapes: small, brown birds with their chests swollen and their throats opened, singing their hearts out from rooftops and branches.

bush「やぶ、茂み」   shadow「陰、暗がり」   mist「霧」   underfoot「足の下に、足の下で」   extraordinary「並外れた、すばらしい」   web「くもの巣、複雑にからみ合ったもの」   scale「音階」   note「音、調子」   reach「届く範囲」   strain to do「〜しようと全力を尽くす」   make out「〜を見分ける、〜を聞き分ける」   swollen「ふくれた」   sing one's heart out「高らかに歌う」   rooftop「屋根」

All around me, though, is an extraordinary web of sound, up and down the scales.

An extraordinary web of sound is all around me, the scales (are) up and down.

また、同じ構造の文が続くので、後ろの be動詞、are が省略されています。


Some of it must be coming from near me, the sweet, high notes almost at arm's reach;

the sweet, high notes (being) almost at arm's reach というように being が省略されており
= and the sweet, high notes are almost at arm's reach です。


As the light grows stronger, I make out shapes:

比較・増減の as で、「〜するにつれて」という意味です。


small, brown birds with their chests swollen and their throats opened, singing their hearts out from rooftops and branches.

with A + 過去分詞 「Aが〜された状態で[の]」

with their chests swollen  「胸が膨らまされた状態の」
their throats opened, 「のどが開かれた状態の」

, singing their hearts out from rooftops and branches. この部分は、「…、そして〜」という意味を表しています。



