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  The importance of human gestures has been greatly uderestimated. Students of linguistics are everywhere, and the analysis of human languages is a widely accepted scientific subject, but the gesture specialist is a rare bird indeed ― not so much a vanishing species, as one that has hardly yet begun to evolve.

underestimate「〜を過小評価する」   linguistics「言語学」   analysis「分析」   scientific「科学的な」   subject「学科、科目、テーマ」   rare「めずらしい」   indeed 「本当に、実に、まったく」   vanish「消滅する」   species「種」   hardly「ほとんど〜ない」   evolve「進化する」

not so much A as B、代名詞、否定
the gesture specialist is a rare bird indeed ― not so much a vanishing species, as one that has hardly yet begun to evolve.

not so much A as B 「AというよりむしろB」
one = a species



