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   People who live near the sites of nuclear tests around the world are the victims of unnecessary competition in the development of nuclear weapons. If we ceased developing nuclear weapons and abolished them, there would be no such victims. But the disasters in Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and now Tokaimura are almost even more regrettable, because they could have been avoided with better precautions. Those who have been exposed to radiation are the victims of no global struggle, but of our own desire for an abundant life.

site「場所、敷地」   nuclear「核の、原子力の」   victim「犠牲者、被害者」   competition「競争」   weapon「武器、兵器」   cease「〜をやめる」   abolish「〜を廃止(撤廃)する」   disaster「災害、惨事」   regrettable「悔やまれる、残念な、遺憾な」   precaution「用心、警戒」   expose「〜を[…に]さらす」   radiation「放射線」   global「世界的な」   struggle「戦い、戦闘」   abundant「豊かな、豊富な」

If we ceased developing nuclear weapons and abolished them, there would be no such victims.

ceased、would となっているので、仮定法過去(現在の事柄に対する仮定)です。


they could have been avoided with better precautions.

with better precautions が、if 節の代わりをしています。
could have been avoided ですので、仮定法過去完了(過去の事柄に対する仮定)です。


Those who have been exposed to radiation are the victims of no global struggle, but of our own desire for an abundant life.

not A but B 「AではなくB」の変形で、not の代わりに no が使われています。



