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  When I was young I was a fairly good judge of age. No longer. Everyone between twenty and forty look more or less the same to me, and so does everyone between forty and sixty. But for some reason I can tell the ages of children very accurately: I can see the difference between three and a half and four, or eight and nine.
  Also, my friends do not age. They all seem around forty-five. Some are in fact around forty-five and some are less: over the years I've made several young friends, partly with selfish calculation ― in case I live long, I won't find myself friendless, the friends of my age having died off.

fairly「かなり」  judge「判断を下す人」  no longer「もはや〜ない」  more or less「だいたい、多かれ少なかれ」  accurately「正確に」 for some reason「何らかの理由で、どうゆうわけか」 age「年をとる、ふける」  selfish「利己的な」  calculation「計算、打算」  die off = die out「みんな死ぬ、絶滅する」

Everyone between twenty and forty look more or less the same to me, and so does everyone between forty and sixty.
青字の部分は、前の部分を受けて「Sもそうである」という意味を表し、so do S というように倒置が起きています。
Everyone between forty and sixty look more or less the same to me

in case I live long, I won't find myself friendless, the friends of my age having died off.
if the friends of my age have died off

